Step into the world of Black Bear Brand with Josh Sirlin—the mastermind behind the rugged, handcrafted designs. Watch as he rides through the scenic beauty of Oita, Japan, laughing with friends, kicking up dust on his vintage Harley, and showing the personal, playful side of life on the road. This is more than fashion—it’s about adventure, craftsmanship, and real connections. From the studio to the open highway, Black Bear Brand is a way of life. Join Josh and experience what drives him, who he is, and why every piece tells a story.
Traffic screamed past us, headlights streaking in the twilight, but we were in our own little world on the shoulder of chaos.
We knelt by the bike, tools scattered, fingers greasy, hearts racing. The city hummed around us, a beast breathing down our necks, but we worked like mad scientists trying to bring Frankenstein back to life. Sparks flew, the engine coughed, and for a moment, the world held its breath.
Then, a roar. The Shovelhead came back to life, shaking off death like it was nothing. Tekashi slapped me on the back, grin wide as ever. We kicked it into gear and blasted back into the city, the ride even sweeter because we’d stolen it from the edge.
Yeah, BE HAPPY—because sometimes, you gotta bring the dead back to life just to keep the trip going.
We left the city behind, chasing the sunrise through the countryside, and found ourselves in front of an old soba shop tucked in the hills. The soba man—wild, grinning like he was in on some cosmic joke—welcomed us in like long-lost friends. It wasn’t just a meal; it was a ritual. The kind of experience that pulls you back in time, makes you question where you are and what decade you’re living in.
He served us with a huge smile, his world becoming ours for a while, and in that moment, everything felt like it was part of some strange, beautiful trip. No rush, no worries, just the taste of freedom, and the road still waiting.
Yeah, BE HAPPY—because sometimes, the world invites you to lose yourself in its wildest corners.
Its dawn, I have a purple Shovelhead, buddy Tekashi is grinning like a man who knew more than he’d ever say... tearing through the city like a couple of acid-fueled road warriors from a time no one remembered, but everyone still felt. Everything buzzed with it—the engines, the colors, the laughter in the air. The kind of day where reality bends just enough to let you slip into another world. Freedom, a touch of reckless and wild, a day that demanded you throw your middle finger up and grin at the absurdity of it all. Yeah, BE HAPPY—it was the only thing that made sense.
Before the road called,
Before the leather knew the touch of rain and sun,
It was just a jacket,
Waiting for hands to shape it,
For journeys to write their lines into its grain.
Now, it rides through Japan’s winding hills,
With the roar of a Knucklehead beneath,
Worn by time, hardened by miles,
And softened by the stories whispered into the wind.
A living testament,
To the wild beauty of the open road,
And the spirit that never fades.
- josh
Hail Mary Magazine delves deep into the realm of ultimate t-shirts, both past and present. Across two pages, we explore the story of Josh Sirlin, the visionary designer and owner of Black Bear Brand. His legacy is one of passion and dedication, reflected in the timeless appeal of Black Bear Brand t-shirts.
Sirlin's journey began with a quest for perfection. He sought out the world's best craftsmen, journeying to Japan, where he discovered unparalleled artistry. The t-shirts born from this collaboration are spun from the finest cotton, each thread a testament to freedom and quality.
The special Black Bear Brand t-shirt is more than just a piece of clothing. It embodies the spirit of choppers, the roar of eagles, and the strength of Native American heritage. Every stitch tells a story, a tribute to a timeless dream of liberty.
In Japan’s land, where craft is king, The ultimate t-shirt they did bring. Spun from the finest cotton’s grace, In every thread, freedom’s trace.
Black Bear Brand’s art, choppers roar and eagles rise. Native American, strong and free, In every stitch, their legacy.
Crafted with pride, in every seam, A tribute to a timeless dream. Freedom woven, stitch by stitch, In this shirt, our spirits hitch.
Embark on a Gritty Adventure Across Japan's Coastal Wilderness, Where Vintage Choppers Roar and Boundless Inspiration Awaits
In the heart of Kyushu, where the neon haze of city life fades into the raw, untamed beauty of Japan's coastal wilderness, a band of modern-day samurai gathers. They aren't wielding katanas; instead, they straddle roaring vintage choppers, their steel steeds gleaming under the spring sun. Leading this ragtag crew is none other than Josh Sirlin, the maestro behind Black Bear Brand, a luxury American menswear label that's as rugged as it is refined.
Josh isn't just a designer; he's a nomad, a seeker of the sublime, and Japan is his playground. With the wind whipping through his hair and the salty tang of the sea in his nostrils, he's in his element. His chopper, a creation of the legendary Japanese bike builder Free Way, purrs beneath him like a restless beast, eager to devour miles of asphalt.
But this isn't just about the ride; it's about the journey. Josh and his crew aren't content with merely skimming the surface of Japan; they want to dive headfirst into its beating heart. So, as they tear through the coastal roads of Kyushu, they make pit stops that most tourists wouldn't even dream of.
They plunge into hidden hot springs, their bodies melting into the steaming waters as they swap stories of past adventures. They feast on delicacies that defy description, from succulent slices of sashimi to bowls of piping hot ramen that set their taste buds ablaze.
And everywhere they go, Josh is absorbing. He's not just a spectator; he's a sponge, soaking up every detail, every nuance of Japanese culture and nature. The sights, the sounds, the smells – they all find their way into his consciousness, fermenting and bubbling until they emerge transformed into something entirely new.
By the time the sun begins its slow descent into the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Josh and his crew are spent but exhilarated. They've seen parts of Japan that most people will never lay eyes on, and they've done it in style.
As they park their choppers on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, Josh can't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him. Gratitude for the wild ride, for the camaraderie of his friends, and for the endless well of inspiration that Japan never fails to provide.
And as he gazes out at the horizon, with the salty breeze ruffling his hair and the roar of the waves in his ears, he knows that this is just the beginning. There are more adventures to be had, more roads to be conquered, and more designs to be born from the crucible of experience.
But for now, he's content to simply be present, to soak in the magic of this moment, and to revel in the sheer, unadulterated joy of being alive. Because in the end, that's what it's all about – the ride, the adventure, and the unquenchable thirst for life that drives us ever onward, into the unknown
*we dance amidst cherry blossoms and ancient temples, our souls intertwined with the art of the journey.
*each step is a brushstroke, painting the canvas of our lives with hues of discovery and friendship. For in the embrace of the unknown, we find the true essence of existence – to live, to love, to explore.
*life, my love, is an art form unto itself – a masterpiece crafted from the raw materials of exploration and wonder
*in the symphony of travel, I find my soul set ablaze with the fire of curiosity and peace
- Josh
ヘイルメアリーマガジン新号 / NEW ゴールドラッシュ
4月号です!特集タイトルは、日米でジーンズを追い続けるデニム愛好家の超マニアックな人生を掘り下げる『🇯🇵ジーンズライフ深掘り』&NEW GOLD RUSH。 Hail Mary編集部が取材したスペシャルジーンズにBLACK BEAR BRANDが選ばれました。他には存在しない「デニム深掘り本」が誕生しました。この本がプレミア価格で取引されることは間違いありません(これはオノリの個人的な意見です)。売り切れ必至の「ジーンズ特集号」ですので、お早めにご購読ください。
Leather Jacket World Championship… issue!
A Cosmic Leather Masterpiece in the Abyss of Rebellion and Individuality
容赦ない時の流れが悪意のある道化師のように現実をもてあそぶ奈落の底に、一着のレザージャケットがある。しかし、ただのジャケットではない。これは呪われた伝説なのだ。 ホーウィン社の最高級皮革から作られたブラック・ベア・ブランドの大作。それはただの布切れではない。職人技と狂気の神聖な芸術の騒々しい衝突であり、バンシーの夜鳴き であり、人類が偽ってしがみつく秩序への冒涜である。
このジャケットは、スタイルという幻覚の砂漠を駆け抜ける弾道なのだ。 - Josh
The Flannel Odyssey of Black Bear Brand
ブラック・ベア・ブランドのフランネルには、型にはまることへの反抗、個性の賛美、 そして自分らしく生きることへの誘い。それは、シアトルの精神が、狂気と反抗をはらみながら、いまだ脈々と息づいていることを思い出させるものだ。
Forever seeking,
- Josh
私にとっての平和とは、静かな庭や穏やかな湖ではない。冒険の混沌の中、旅の予測不可能な紆余曲折の中に見出されるものだ。それはスロットルのマニアックなダンスであり、 未知なるものへの無謀な追求であり、私の血管を駆け巡る生命の荒々しい鼓動である。
愛する人よ、他の人々が平凡で予測可能なことに安らぎを求める一方で、私は正気の端に安らぎを見いだし、存在という嵐の中を駆け抜けていく。 それは終わりのない探求であり、境界線のない冒険であり、そこが私の居場所なのだ。
Forever seeking,
Black Bear Brand
古くからの伝統に優しく抱かれ、親愛なる友人たちとの温かい友情に包まれながら、 もう一度、あなたの神聖な地に。
この神聖な土地の美しさ、私の心にとても近いもの、侍の魂がまだ空気中に残っている 場所。
雨は天から容赦なく降り注いだ、 まるで太平洋岸北西部の神々が弱者に飽き足らず、 心の弱い者を洗い流そうとするかのように。 険しい山々が古代の巨人のようにそびえ立ち、その頂は渦巻く霧と不吉な雲に覆われて見えなかった。この容赦のない土地で常に つきまとう危険な雨は、洗礼であると同時に坩堝でもあった。
This Black Bear Brand jacket 私のフレームにしがみついているのは、単なる昔の遺物ではない。... それは新しい創造物であり、私の反抗の証であり、パシフィック・ノースウエストの不屈の精神への賛辞である。布に現れた個人的な旅であり、ユニークなものに無関心な世界における愛の宣言である。
未知のもの... あなたのもの。.
- Josh Sirlin
66年型リンカーン・コンチネンタルのボンネットを舞う容赦ない滝のような雨が、太平洋岸北西部に激しく降り注いだ、霧が立ち込める。無骨で風化したハンドルを握る男は、ブラック・ベア・ブランドのハリス・ツイード製ウールジャケットを着ていた。 風雨に耐え、なおかつ見栄えのするもの。
嵐の中、彼らは断崖絶壁に立ち、荒々しく美しい景色を眺めた。遠くには山々がそびえ、その頂は雲に隠れて見えない。川は轟音を立て、太古の風景を切り裂く自然の力そのもの だった。
*Northwest's wild, my best friend
*Rain's rhythmic beat, my companion
*Nature's grip, my heart stirs
*In the wild, I find my place
凍てつく地獄絵図、私の狂気には方法がある、嵐の目に癒しを見出す。 バイクと私は一体であり、五感と戦い、狂気と一体化する...
- Josh