Take A Scenic Surf Trip With Black Bear Brand And Tilley Surfboards

By Stephanie Smith-Strickland
There’s something about the idea of a road trip that triggers our sense of wonder and romance. In popular culture, road trips are often the catalyst for coming-of-age tales or experiences in which a person emerges changed and more wise. In many ways they symbolize the great unknown, and with the unknown comes boundless possibilities for coincidence, and chances to create adventure.
In the narrative of Black Bear Brand and Tilley Surfboards a road trip symbolizes the joining of two labels obsessed with quality and heritage. The partners, driving a ’66 Lincoln, struck out from Seattle and ended Port Orford, a small town on Oregon’s coast that also happens to be home to Tilley. There they indulged in a much-deserved surf break using a board that came about as a joint collaboration.
The board is crafted from solid wood and features a custom milled deck, bottom, rails and fins. It also boasts a hand-shaped EPS core which allows for precision control. These features were important Tilley Surfboard owner Jason Tilley, who states, “Building wood surfboards the way I do is a product of everything I have done and have been into since I was a kid. Much of that was passed on by my father. Windsurfing, surfing, sailing, working on wood boats, living and traveling on a small wooden cutter, all these are part of who I am and create the context for my experience and work.”
Similarly, Black Bear, which describes itself as a brand interested in heritage revival, values the artistry connected to building things the old-fashioned way. It’s a collaboration that makes sense, and it’s yielded some very beautiful photos. Take a look through our gallery and see for yourself.

View Source - http://www.selectism.com/2015/10/02/black-bear-brand-tilley-surfboards-roadtrip/

Jesse Meyers